[ Niigata University | Faculty of Science | Mathematics | Graduate School ]

Akinari HOSHI's Home Page

Akinari HOSHI's Home Page

Akinari Hoshi

Akinari Hoshi
Professor of Niigata University,
Department of Mathematics,
Chair, Mathematical Science, Fundamental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Niigata University
8050 Ikarashi 2-no-cho, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan

e-mail : hoshi +@+ math.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp (Please replace "+@+" to "@".)

[ C.V. | Interests | Papers | Grants | Visits | Talks || (Japanese) Study | Lab | Links | Teaching (Japanese) ]

Shigefumi Mori's Niigata University Symposium for High School Students (Japanese) (Organizer) Report / Niigata Nippo / Kyodo News / MSJ

The 27th Number Theory Summer School (Japanese) (Organizer) Proceedings (Japanese) / Past (Japanese)

Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2021 (Program Committee) / Management Committee (Japanese)

Arithmetic & Homotopic Galois Theory International Research Network

Niigata Algebra Seminar (Japanese) (Organizer) / Niigata Algebra Symposium (Organizer)

Į‰ĨŽļ”nCā’m”ņ•Ÿ: Bad luck often brings good luck!

[ English | “ú–{Œę ]
Last update : 2024-6-16