unset hidden3d undefine $* set samples 21 set isosample 11 set xlabel "X axis" offset -3,-2 set ylabel "Y axis" offset 3,-2 set zlabel "Z axis" offset -5 set title "3D surface from a function" set label 1 "This is the surface boundary" at -10,-5,150 center set arrow 1 from -10,-5,120 to -10,0,0 nohead set arrow 2 from -10,-5,120 to 10,0,0 nohead set arrow 3 from -10,-5,120 to 0,10,0 nohead set arrow 4 from -10,-5,120 to 0,-10,0 nohead set xrange [-10:10] set yrange [-10:10] #set pm3d # by using gset pm3dh, a surface will be drawn. splot x*y