RatProbAlgTori for GAP 4 ver.2018.05.22
Authors: Akinari Hoshi, Aiichi Yamasaki.Needs: GAP,version >=4.4.12; GAP package carat, version >=2.1b1; GAP package crystcat, version >=4.1.6; GAP package HAP, version >=1.10.6; GAP package SONATA, version >=2.4
Current version: RatProbAlgTori-2018.05.22.zip (Buildcarat.sh wad modified to ver.2017.06.18; BuildCarat.sh was added to ver.2012.10.08)
Contact: Akinari Hoshi, Aiichi Yamasaki.
Repository: KURENAI (Kyoto University Research Information Repository) https://doi.org/10.57723/289559
This code provides algorithms for (stably, retract) rationality problem for algebraic tori.Installation
- (for Windows) Install VMware (in suitable Language).
(for Mac OSX) Install VMware Fusion (in suitable Language). - Install Ubuntu (Japanese ver.) on VMware.
Over 2GB memory on Ubuntu is recommended. - Download GAP and unpack it on Ubuntu to ~/ (/home/username).
Go to ~/gap4r8 (Type "cd ~/gap4r8") and type "./configure".
If "Please install m4 or build without GMP." appeared, type "sudo apt install m4" then type "./configure" again.
Type "make".
Go to ~/gap4r8/pkg (Type "cd ~/gap4r8/pkg") and type "../bin/BuildPackages.sh". -
Download RatProbAlgTori.zip and unpack it to ~/ (/home/username).
Go to ~/RatProbAlgTori (Type "cd ~/RatProbAlgTori") and type "chmod +x BuildCarat.sh".
Go to ~/gap4r8/pkg (Type "cd ~/gap4r8/pkg") and type "~/RatProbAlgTori/BuildCarat.sh".
Go to ~/RatProbAlgTori (Type "cd ~/RatProbAlgTori") and type "~/gap4r8/bin/gap.sh".
If you can see "gap> ", the installation was successful.
Then type "Read("RatProbAlgTori.gap");" on GAP.
BuildCarat [.html, .pdf]caratnumber [.html, .pdf]
cohomology [.html, .pdf]
crystcat [.html, .pdf]
crystdat [.html, .pdf]
crystlst [.html, .pdf]
FlabbyResolution [.html, .pdf]
GLnQ [.html, .pdf]
KS [.html, .pdf]
README [.html, .pdf]
RatProbAlgTori-2018.05.22.zip-+-RatProbAlgTori-+-Bravais.gap +-BuildCarat.sh +-BuildCarat.pdf +-BuildCarat.old.2017.06.18.sh +-carat2crystcat.txt +-caratchpol.txt +-caratnumber.gap +-caratnumber.pdf +-cohomology.g +-cohomology.pdf +-cryst1.txt +-cryst2.txt +-cryst3.txt +-cryst4.txt +-cryst5.txt +-cryst6.txt +-crystcat.gap +-crystcat.pdf +-crystdat.zip (9 files included) +-crystdat.pdf +-crystlst.pl +-crystlst.pdf +-FlabbyResolution.gap +-FlabbyResolution.pdf +-GLnQ.zip (6 files included) +-GLnQ.pdf +-H1cryst.txt +-Hn.gap +-KS.gap +-KS.pdf +-RatProbAlgTori.gap +-README.txt +-README.pdf +-RatProbAlgTori-2018.05.22.pdf
[HY17] Akinari Hoshi and Aiichi Yamasaki,
Rationality problem for algebraic tori,
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 248 (2017) no. 1176, v+215 pp.
Preprint version: